Working Papers, Media & Articles
30 September-1 Oct 2009 ‘ ‘The Demography of
Islam in Europe‘, for ‘The Future of the Global Jihadist Movement’, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR), King’s College, together with Chatham House, UK presentation(with Vegard Skirbekk) –‘Go Forth and Multiply’: the Politics of Religious Demography’, conference on The Politics of Population Change, Harvard University, Weatherhead Center, May 8-9, 2009
‘Islamism, Religiosity and Fertility in the Muslim World’ , International Studies Association, New York, February 18, 2009
‘Demographic Radicalization?: The Religiosity-Fertility Nexus and Politics’, International Studies Association, New York, February 18, 2009
‘Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth’, International History/Religion Seminar, Georgetown University, Washington, Jan. 27, 2009 link to seminar
Kaufmann, Eric, Anne Goujon and Vegard Skirbekk, ‘The Next American Voter: the Political Demography of American Partisanship’, working paper [abstract] [paper] [figures]. Submitted to American Political Science Review [latest version will be available pending decision]Skirbekk, Vegard, Anne Goujon and Eric Kaufmann, ‘Secularism, Fundamentalism or Catholicism: the Religious Composition of the United States to 2043’ (older version). Latest version submitted to Social Forces [latest version will be available pending decision]
My research mentioned in Anthony Gottlieb’s article, ‘Faith Equals Fertility’, Intelligent Life (Economist), Winter 2008
‘A ‘Fear of Being Swamped’: Why Modernity Leads to Ethno-Demographic Conflict’, paper for American Political Science Association, Boston, August 28-31, 2008
‘Eurabia?: the Foreign Policy Implications of West Europe’s Religious Composition in 2025 and Beyond’, paper for panel on “The Global Demographic Landscape in 2025: Implications for International Relations Analysis”, International Studies Association, San Francisco
‘Islamism, Religiosity and Fertility in the Muslim World’, paper prepared for 2008 European Population Conference, Barcelona, July 9-12, 2008
‘Human Development and the Demography of Secularisation in Global Perspective’, Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, Volume 4: 2008 – draft version (final version can be downloaded here) abstract figures tables appendix
Review of Philip Jenkins’ God’s Continent, in Prospect, November 2007
‘Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth’, Jewish Quarterly, Autumn 2007
My research mentioned in Ross Douthat’s piece, ‘The Crisis of Faith‘, Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2007
‘Religion and Politics: The Demographic Imperative’, for panel on ‘Religion
& International Order’, American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago, Aug 30- Sept 2, 2007 [paper] [tables] [presentation]‘Faith’s Comeback?: The Demographic Revival of Religion in Europe’, Un Nuovo Umanesimo per L’Europa, University of San Pio V, Basilica de San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, Italy, 22 June [abstract] [paper] [tables] [graphs]
‘A Dying Creed?: The demographic contradictions of liberal capitalism’, ESRC UPTAP programme briefing paper, March 2007. Also available at: <
‘Religiosity, Ideology and Voting in Western Europe, 1981, 1990’, research note
‘The End of Secularisation in Europe?: A Demographic Perspective’, [do not cite without permission] article tables article figures
‘Faith’s Comeback’, Newsweek, 7-13 November 2006
‘Shifting Demography’, BBC Radio 4 ‘Thinking Allowed’, 4 October 2006
‘De-secularisation?: Religiosity and fertility in Western Europe‘ [working paper]