A single anecdote is not data, but I privately have hopes of this situation turning around -- and rather soon -- based on my own history. I am 53 years old and was ahead of the curve on wokeness. Circa 2010-2015 I was persuaded speech can cause harms which could and should be preventatively warded off via intervention, I worried about misgendering people (long before this possibility had occurred to most of them), I thought trans was the new LGB rights front, and on and on. I was reading the kind of proto-woke literature on lefty blogs that then moved on to Tumblr etc, and feeling persuaded by it all. Then I just... continued reading, and now I'm a terfy free speech advocate.

The stuff I read 2015-2020 is now percolating out into the larger society in the same way the stuff I was reading from 2010-2015 did. I'm willing to face the fact that I'm not a particularly original thinker, just a voracious reader, so I get to the next chapter a bit faster than average. Because of this, I suspect that by 2025 we will start seeing a real flip in attitudes. You don't have to track down an obscure blog like Gender Trender nowadays to get a critique of trans activism: you can find them all over the place.

ditto many other woke shibboleths. This matters. I'm rather optimistic.

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You may well have a point Kathleen, but the damage done will be immense and much of it irreversible before such an eventuality takes place.

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Incredibly interesting and exciting to finally see some quality research in this area. Somewhat depressing however if the answer to the woke awakening is to get older and become male! Not many options there.

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