Previous Events / Presentations
‘London: an Island of Religion in a Secular Sea,’ Huffington Post (and Demos Blog), 21 December 2012
‘Why China is Content to Stay at Home: Internal Ethnic Diversity and International Power Projection,’ Department of War Studies, King’s College, University of London, December 6th, 6pm. [podcast & video here]
‘Why the Republicans Will Continue to Oppose Obama on Immigration,’ Huffington Post, November 13 (also reproduced on Extremis, 23 November)
At London Metropolitan University, Department of Politics and International Relations, November 21st
Web figures and description now live for my new co-edited book with W. Bradford Wilcox, Whither the Child: the Causes and Consequences of Low Fertility (Paradigm, 2012)
Judge in Debating Matters secondary school debate, Wandsworth Round, Oct 8
Spoke at ‘Diversity and Freedom in Present-Day Europe: Challenges and Opportunities’ conference, West Sussex, UK, September 6-9
‘Mitt Romney, Mormons and America’s Anglo-Saxon Heritage’, Huffington Post, July 31
‘World Population Day and the Scandal of Anti-Malthusianism’, Huffington Post, July 11, also posted at London International Development Centre blog and Birkbeck College News
‘Numbers Count: Why Religious Population Growth Underpins the Islamist Surge,’ Huffington Post, July 2
Spoke at Engelsberg Seminar of the Ax:sson Johnson Foundation, near Stockholm, June 14-16 presentation
My Birkbeck Inaugural Lecture (as a new professor): ‘Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Jewish Antisemitism and the Fate of Western Civilization,’ hosted by Pears Institute, June 13, 6:00 pm at Birkbeck College podcast
See reference in Nigel Barber, ‘Atheism Will Defeat Religion by 2038,’ Huffington Post, June 5
Discussion in ‘A More Religious Future’,, May 24
30-minute show US nationwide Fairness Radio with Patrick O’ Heffernan and Chuck Morse podcast starts at point 17:50
‘Why Creative People Don’t Get Rich,’ Huffington Post, May 24
Review of my co-edited book, Political Demography, as part of ‘Demography: a new science of population – the digression of people power,’ Economist, May 19
Mention in ‘Demography is (not quite) destiny‘, First Things, May 16
Spoke at conference on ‘Armed Conflict in Comparative Perspective,’ National University of Ireland, Galway, May 18
‘Mormons: A Rising Force?,‘ Huffington Post, May 14
‘Demography and the Future of Secularism‘, Boston Globe, May 10
Republished Op-Ed: ‘Will Changing Demographics Make the U.S. More Conservative, Religious’?, National Journal, May 8
Op-ed article: ‘Why the Future Will be More Religious and More Conservative Than You Think’,, May 8; republished in The, May 9
Academic journal article published, ‘Primordialists and Constructionists: A typology of theories of religion’, Religion, Brain and Behavior (available online May 4)
‘The New Population Bomb’, featuring Jack Goldstone, The Economist Globalisation Editor John Parker and myself, London School of Economics, May 1 LSE Podcast of event (also on iTunes)
I have just uploaded podcasts and transcripts for a conference I organised in 2006, ‘Libertarian Hawks or Cultural Communitarians?: Neoconservatism and the Legacy of the New York Intellectuals’
Mention in Joel Braunold, ‘Do the ultra-Orthodox want to be integrated into Jewish Israeli life?,’ Ha’aretz, April 30
London book launch of Political Demography: How Population Changes Are Reshaping International Security and National Politics (co-edited with Jack Goldstone and Monica Duffy Toft), 19 April at Birkbeck College, University of London. Podcasts of the full event are available here. Slides for my introductory talk, ‘Political Demography: Why Now? are here (powerpoint).
Interview on political demography of Northern Ireland, for blogger Slugger O’ Toole
Talks at Political Studies Association conference, Belfast, April 2-5 (including chairing special Political Quarterly panel on Northern Ireland Peace Process in an Age of Austerity – featuring Malachi O’ Doherty, Peter Weir of the DUP, Lord Paul Bew, Conall McDevitt of SDLP and Katy Hayward of Queen’s U. Belfast) Talk 1 on demography and conflict in NI webcast of paper 1 Talk 2 on Huntington and Clash of Civilizations
Review of Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson’s Why Nations Fail: the Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, Literary Review, April
See my introduction to the Special issue I edited on ‘Northern Ireland Peace Process in an Age of Austerity,’ Political Quarterly, March 2012. Rest of issue.
19 March – talk at Birkbeck College, University of London (with interlocutor Karen Wells, of Geography): ‘The political and geographical boundaries of identity and ethnicity’ podcast
9 March – Spoke at Reason Week, Nuffield Lecture Theatre A, University of Southampton, 7 pm
7 March – presenting at LSE Religion Forum seminar, on ‘Primordialists and Constructionists: From Nationalism to Religion’, 6-730, in room 1.11 in Cowdray House (COW), Portugal Street, London WC2A 2AE
See discussion of the book in Lenore Skenazy, ‘The Allure of the Burka,’ Jewish Daily Forward, Jan. 30
Referred to in ‘Spengler’ (a.k.a. David Goldman of India Times) book, How Civilizations Die
Keynote speaker, Atlantic College (United World Schools) Peace Conference, Jan. 27, 2012
An abbreviated comment of mine on Craig Calhoun, the new LSE director, and the fact that his views on globalization, cosmopolitalism, elite capitalism and the nation are diametrically opposed to those of his predecessors (Giddens, Davies) and Giddens’ intellectual fellow traveller David Held, whose centre got in hot water over the Qaddafi scandal. They also don’t easily fit with the LSE reality, i.e. educator of the global elite. See ‘diary’ in current issue (191) of Prospect:
Mention in Rich Cincotta, ‘Life Begins After 25: Demography And Societal Timing Of Arab Spring – Analysis,’ Eurasia Review, Jan. 18
Jan 11, 2012, Speaking at Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Jan 10, 2012, Speaking at Washington launch of Political Demography: How Population Changes Are Reshaping International Security and National Politics (co-edited with Jack Goldstone and Monica Duffy Toft), Paradigm Press, January 10, 2012,Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC
See reference to book in Lenore Skenazy’s recent article on the Beit Shemesh riots: ‘What the well-dressed religious fanatic’s wearing’, Rockford Register-Star, Jan. 6, 2012 and Penfield Post, Jan. 9
Article in Political Insight magazine featured on LSE Politics blog, ‘What do the social sciences have in common with baseball? The story of Moneyball, academic impact, and quantitative methods’
Launch of Political Demography: How Population Changes Are Reshaping International Security and National Politics (co-edited with Jack Goldstone and Monica Duffy Toft), Paradigm Press, December 13, 2011, Foreign Policy Research Institute (link to event details), Philadelphia
Mention in Allan Carlson, ‘Demography, Destiny and New Foreign Policy Challenges for the 21st Century,’ Foreign Policy Research Institute, Dec. 12, Philadelphia, PA
See my recent review, ‘Peace in our Time’, of Steven Pinker’s new book on the decline of violence in human history, ‘The Better Angels of our Nature’, Literary Review, December.
I discuss the lessons of the Oakland A’s use of statistical analysis, featured in the new movie ‘Moneyball’ (starring Brad Pitt) for social science as ‘Moneyball: Can Sports Statistics Save Political Studies?’, Political Insight, December
Talk on ‘The Lenses of Nationhood: an optical model of identity,’ at Centre for Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol, Nov. 17
Talk at Royal Holloway University of London, History Seminar, Nov. 7 podcast here
My Op-Ed on Malthusians, Cornucopians and 7 billion people: ‘Rural and religious fuel the world’s population boom,’ Providence Journal, Nov.6, 2011
Academic journal article, with Vegard Skirbekk and Anne Goujon, ‘American political affiliation, 2003–43: A cohort component projection,’ Population Studies, published online Nov. 5
Mention in Nigel Barber, ‘ When Will Atheism Prevail Over Religion?,’ Huffington Post, Nov.3, 2011
‘Northern Ireland: Fragile Peace in an Age of Austerity’ , invite-only roundtable I organised at Birkbeck College, Council Room, Oct. 14, 2011. Basis of special issue of Political Quarterly in early 2012 and special panel on Northern Ireland at Political Studies Association, Belfast, 2-6 April 2012. Participant biographies Programme
‘Religious revival: Western societies are being dramatically reshaped by the strong birth rate of religious people,‘ Bright Blue, Autumn 2011, p. 37
Interviewed as part of Alan Greenblatt, ‘As Europe Ages, Its Economies Look Vulnerable,‘, September 24
Interview on Clay Naff’s radio show, ‘Science Odyssey: Demography Shows How Religion Drives Population Growth’, September 10
Academic journal article, ‘Reflections on the Swiss Sonderfall,’ Nations and Nationalism, vol. 17 (September 2011), pp. 815-20
Academic journal article, with Eric Woods and Robert Schertzer, ‘Ethno-national conflict and its Management,’ Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 49.2, April 2011, pp. 153-61
Academic journal article, ‘The Demography of Ethnic Conflict,’ Journal of Ethnopolitics (also Editor of special section on ‘The Politics of Ethnic Demography’) vol.3, no. 4, September 2011, pp. 367-8
Academic journal article, ‘Demographic Change and Conflict in Northern Ireland: Reconciling Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence,‘ Journal of Ethnopolitics, vol. 3, no. 4, September, 2011
Conference paper, ‘Ethnic and State History as Determinants of Ethnic Fractionalization,‘ American Political Science Association, Seattle, September 2
Academic journal article, with Anne Goujon and Vegard Skirbekk, ‘The End of Secularization in Europe?: A Socio-Demographic Perspective,’ Sociology of Religion, published online August 8
‘Demography and the Future of Religion: Eric Kaufmann’s Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?’, Vox Nova, August 3
Discussion in, June 12, 2011
Discussion in, June 11, 2011
Television Interview on Fox News Live, June 10, 2011
Discussion of my (and colleagues Vegard Skirbekk and Anne Goujon) predictions for US religion in 2043 in David Briggs, ARDA ‘Ahead of the Trend’ and Huffington Post, May 25
‘Book Review: Between Religion and Politics’, Muhammad Khan, Muslim News, May 27, 2011
Professor: the Religious Population will inherit the earth, Hal Boyd, Deseret News, May 24, 2011
Review of the book by Frank Ellis, Quarterly Review, Spring 2011
May 20, 2011, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC, 2:30 pm
May 18, 2011, New America Foundation, Washington, DC, 12:15 pm
May 16, 2011, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC, 3 pm overview clip Arab spring clip photos on flickr
May 2011 – Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth launches in USA
April/May 2011 – review of book by Allan Carlson in The Family in America, Winter issue
Along with colleagues at IIASA, I helped write the Europe section of the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life ‘The Future of the Global Muslim Population’ report, which was widely cited in the press
Note my question to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg at the PSA/Hansard Debate (minute 30:20). Did he answer it well? In part. See minute 36: 50 for his response.
26 December, Andy Walton, Sunday Breakfast Show, Premier Christian Radio, 8:00 am.
‘The Future of Religion’, Studies, December
1 December, at Open Discussions, Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP
Mention of book in ‘Survival of the Godliest: Does strong religious belief provide an evolutionary advantage?’, Philip Longman, Big Questions Online, 12 November
17 November, LSE Forum on Religion, Cañada Blanch room, London School of Economics, 5:30-7 pm
21 October, Razib Khan, ‘The Wheel of History turns to the gods’, Discovery Magazine
7 October, 6:30 pm – appeared on Battle of Ideas Satellite panel, Papal plots, burqa bans: what does it mean to be secular today? , Foyle’s Bookshop, London
3 October, 11 AM at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, Sydney Opera House
2 October, Miriam Cosic, ‘Religious baby boom primed to send shock waves through secular world’, The Australian
Hear me on Philip Adams Late Night live, ABC radio, Wednesday 29 September, in Sydney, Australia
Hear interview on Sunday Night Safran, Triple J radio, Sydney, Australia
See my Op-Ed, ‘Out of mouths of babes – religious will rise as secular birth rates fall‘, Sydney Morning Herald, September 20, 2010
My review of Doug Saunders’ ‘Arrival City: How the Largest Migration in History is Reshaping Our World’ was published in Literary Review in September
I review Pascal Bruckner’s excellent book, ‘Tyranny of Guilt’, in the August issue of Prospect magazine
See my recent piece for the Irish Times on the book, ‘Population boom in third world provides a boost for religions’, 20 July
Note my question to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg at the PSA/Hansard Debate (minute 30:20). Did he answer it well? In part. See minute 36: 50 for his response.
17 October 2009: ‘Only an atheist can be a good Christian; only a Christian can be a good atheist’, Debate on Ernst Bloch’s Atheism in Christianity, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, London (podcasted event)
30 September-1 Oct 2009 ‘ ‘The Demography of Salafism’, for ‘The Future of the Global Jihadist Movement’, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR), King’s College, together with Chatham House, UK presentation
‘The Demography of Religious Radicalism’, for panel on ‘Demography and Security: The Politics of Population Change’, American Political Science Association, Toronto, September 3-6, 2009 presentation
‘The Next American Voter: The Political Demography of American Partisanship’, American Political Science Association, Toronto, September 3-6, 2009 paper,presentation
‘The Role of Islam in the Re-Sacralization of Europe’, for conference on ‘The Political Future of Muslim Communities in Western Europe: Implications for Western European States in 2030’, National Intelligence Council and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the U.S. Department of State, May 29, 2009, Washington, DC
‘Go Forth and Multiply’: the Politics of Religious Demography, for conference: ‘Demography and Security: the Politics of Population Change‘, Weatherhead Center, Harvard, organized by Monica Toft, Jack Goldstone and myself, May 7-8, 2009
‘The Future of American Religion to 2050’, Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture (ASREC) conference, Crystal City, VA, April 5, 2009 (download presentation)
‘The Role of the Second Demographic Transition in Secularism’s Evolutionary Demise’, Evolution, Cognition, and Culture seminar series, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, March 24, 2009
‘Religious Fundamentalism as the End of History?: The Political Demography of the Abrahamic Faiths’ International Affairs/Political Science, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, February 27, 2009
‘Islamism, Religiosity and Fertility in the Muslim World‘ International Studies Association, New York, February 18, 2009
‘Demographic Radicalization?: The Religiosity-Fertility Nexus and Politics‘, International Studies Association, New York, February 18, 2009
‘Religious Fundamentalism as the End of History?: The Political Demography of the Abrahamic Faiths’, International Security Program Seminar, Belfer Center, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA February 5, 2009 [summary]
‘Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth’, Department of History, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, January 28, 2009
‘Demographic Trends in Religion’, conference on ‘Global religious trends: risks and opportunities for the United States’, National Intelligence Council and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC, December 12, 2008
‘Sacralization by Stealth?: The Demography of De-Secularization in Europe’, Institute for the Study of Religion, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, November 6, 2008
‘Sacralization by Stealth: Religion Returns to Europe’, Riley Institute Public Lecture, Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina, Oct. 29, 2008
‘Islamism, Religiosity and Fertility in the Muslim world’, Pew Forum for Religious Research, Washington, DC, Oct. 24, 2008
‘Secularism, Fundamentalism or Catholicism: the Religious Composition of the United States to 2043’, American Political Science Association, Boston, August 28-31, 2008 [click on link above to download poster]
Islamism, Religiosity and Fertility in the Muslim World, 2008 European Population Conference, Barcelona, July 9-12, 2008
‘Eurabia?: the Foreign Policy Implications of West Europe’s Religious Composition in 2025 and Beyond’, for panel on “The Global Demographic Landscape in 2025: Implications for International Relations Analysis”, International Studies Association, San Francisco
‘Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?: Demography, Religion and Radicalization’, for “Policing, Justice and Security in a Diverse Canada: Building an Empirical Evidence Base”, Government of Canada, February 25 & 26, 2008
Hampton Inn Ottawa & Conference Centre
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State/National Intelligence Council, ‘National Intelligence Council and Intelligence Community Study Group on the Middle East 2025’, Meridian International Center, Washington, February 21-22, 2008
Chairing and Discussant on panel on: ‘Immigration and Fertility: The Political Demography of Ethnic, Religious and National Conflict’, American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago, Aug 30- Sept 2, 2007 [ panel description ]
‘Religion and Politics: The Demographic Imperative’, for panel on ‘Religion & International Order’, American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago, Aug 30- Sept 2, 2007 [paper] [tables] [presentation]
‘Faith’s Comeback?: The Demographic Revival of Religion in Europe’, Un Nuovo Umanesimo per L’Europa, University of San Pio V, Basilica de San Giovanni in Laterano,
Rome, Italy, 22 June presentation‘The End of Secularisation in Europe?’, Birkbeck College Staff Seminar, 23 November
‘The End of Secularisation in Europe?’, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 23 Oct 2006
Political Demography: Ethnic, National and Religious Dimensions’, 29-30 September 2006, London School of Economics’. Plenary Speakers: Jack Goldstone – George Mason University; Michael Hout – University of California Berkeley; Monica Duffy Toft – Harvard University – See the conference ‘Political Demography Resource Page’: download email addresses, abstracts, presentations and papers
‘The Demographic Contradictions of Liberal Capitalism: Rethinking Daniel Bell’s Theory’, Libertarian Hawks or Cultural Communitarians? Neoconservatism and the Legacy of the New York Intellectuals, Birkbeck College, 24-25 May 2006
A Dying Creed?: The Demographic Contradictions of Liberal Capitalism’, UCL/Birkbeck, 24 April 2006