May and June have been busy, with my book coming out in North America in May and now about to release in UK and the rest of the world. I have just received copies of the UK version, entitled Taboo: How Making Race Sacred Led to a Cultural Revolution. Also nice to get my first UK review in the Times, from the legendary Kathleen Stock! It shows some interesting agreements and disagreements. The latter are always the most interesting, in particular the claim of whether discrimination and freedom as I use them can be contested. My view, for instance, is that those who lack resources and thus have less speech power in the public square do not lack freedom, they lack resources. Or that discrimination on the basis of race, such as affirmative action quotas, is just that - even if a society’s culture is more aligned with ethnic groups that correlate with, say, whites rather than nonwhites. The latter is a question of advantage or disadvantage that we can choose to rectify to some extent, but it is not discrimination, in my view.
An up-to-date list of podcasts, reviews and activities that I have been involved with appears below, and don’t forget UK speaking events on 26 June (FSU), 10 July (Beaconsfield NCF) and 15 July (Unherd). You can always find the updates on my website at and tune in to my iTunes podcasts feed.
Review of my book Taboo, by Kathleen Stock, Times, June 21
Excerpt from The Third Awokening, WND News, June 20
On City-Journal ‘Ten Blocks’ podcast with Brian Anderson, ‘Countering Progressive Extremism‘, June 20
‘Women are latest victim of identity politics at Oxford University,’ Unherd, June 20
‘The Race Taboo and the Woke Right,’ podcast with Connor Tomlinson, June 19
Addressed Romney Street Group at the Athenaeum Club, June 18
‘Conservatives Must Keep Up Pressure on Higher Ed to Stop DEI,’ Newsweek, June 17
‘No, we haven’t reached peak woke,’ Times, June 15
On Dangerous Speech podcast, June 15 [episode]
‘The Illiberal Implications of Labour’s Manifesto,’ Spectator, June 13
On Patrick Chrystys Tonight (with Ben Leo), GB News, 10 June [clip]
‘The Sacred Myths of Liberalism,’ on Triggernometry, June 9
On Roy Green Show (Canada), [clip] June 9
On BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme discussing woke as a religion, hosted by William Crawley (with Will Davies), June 8
‘Why woke people suffer with mental illness, depression & anxiety,’ GB News America, June 6
On Jordan Peterson Youtube/Podcast channel, ‘Potential Solutions to Fix Indoctrination,’ June 6
On Andrew Klavan Show, ‘How to Beat Cancel Culture,’ Daily Wire, June 5
On Maiden Mother Matriarch podcast, with Louise Perry, June 3
‘Creating a Post-Woke Society,’ National Post, June 3
” ‘Left-liberal extremism’ has turned Canada into an international anomaly,” The Hub, May 22
Spoke on my book The Third Awokening, at American Moment, Washington, May 20 [recording]
‘Why young people become woker and woker: A cultural emergency,’ New York Post, May 18
Spoke on my book The Third Awokening, at Union League Club, New York, May 17
Spoke on my book The Third Awokening, at Manhattan Institute, May 16
New book: The Third Awokening: A 12-Point Plan for Rolling Back Progressive Extremism, May 14
‘In Pursuit of Ideological Balance with Eric Kaufmann,’ David Bernstein Show, May
“Woke is the ‘making sacred’ of marginalised groups,” Sky News Australia, May 10
Spoke on my book The Third Awokening, at [Canadian] Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship (SAFS), London, Ontario, May 10
Spoke at ‘“The Relationship Between EDI and Merit,” Heterodox Academy Conversations event, May 9, Laurier University, Waterloo, ON
Spoke at ‘How DEI Defeated Truth and Freedom, and How to Fight Back,’ Council for Academic Freedom at the University of Toronto (CAFUT), May 8
‘Fighting Cultural Socialism,’ on Spectator Australia ‘Fire at Will’ podcast, May 8 [episode]
On The Forge, with Harrison Pitt, ‘The Race Taboo and the Fate of White Majorities,’ (European Conservative), May 4
On discussion, ‘Should universities recruit conservatives to increase viewpoint diversity?,‘ FIRE faculty webinars, May 3
On ‘Wokeism in Universities,‘ Twitter Space discussion, May 3
On Thinking Class, with John Gillam, ‘This Is What The Woke Hold Sacred And It Impacts Everything,’ May 3
Mention on Aaron Renn, ’17 Books that Shaped My Thinking,’ Substack, May 2
‘Anti-White Privilege: A Review of Jeremy Carl’s The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart,’ Substack, May 2
On Conversation Balloons podcast, with Leah Farish, discussing my new book Taboo, May 2
‘Is anti-white prejudice fuelling anti-Zionist protests?,’ Unherd, May 1